Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Capitalize the First Character of Each Word using queries

I have found t-sql challenges question where they were asked to provide a solution of oracle INITCAP function in sql.

I was started to find the solution of INITCAP function & found lots of user defined function.

But here I have shared a solution where queries doesn't use any user defined function as well as any variable.

--First of all create one temp table    

--insert the sample data
SELECT 'yogesh bhadauriya' 

--use the Common table expression
;with CTE AS

    --anchor query where we are finding the first character for replacing with uppercase
    SELECT Cast(STUFF(LOWER(Data), 1, 1, UPPER(LEFT(Data, 1))) As varchar(max)) As Data,
    PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z][a-z]%', Data COLLATE Latin1_General_Bin) As Position,ID,Data As OldData
    From @t
    Union All
   --recursive query
    SELECT Cast(STUFF(CTE.Data, Position, 2, UPPER(SUBSTRING(CTE.Data, CTE.Position, 2))) As Varchar(max)) as Data,
    Cast(PATINDEX('%[^a-zA-Z][a-z]%', CTE.Data COLLATE Latin1_General_Bin) As Int) As Position,CTE.ID,T.Data As OldData
    From @t As T
    Inner Join CTE On CTE.ID=CTE.ID
    where CTE.Data is not null
Select ID,OldData As Data,Data As Results
From CTE
where Data is not null
and Position=0

--Id Data    Results
--1 yogesh bhadauriya Yogesh Bhadauriya

Friday, April 29, 2011

User defined function to convert the number into charcter

How to convert the numeric value into its specific character? If this is your question, than create the following User Defined Function into your database.

--create the following function 
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_Num_ToWords 
 @Number Numeric (38, 0) -- Input number with as many as 18 digits

* Converts a integer number as large as 34 digits into the 
* equivalent words.  The first letter is capitalized.
* Attribution: Based on NumberToWords by Srinivas Sampath
*        as revised by Nick Barclay
* Example:
select dbo.udf_Num_ToWords (1234567890) + CHAR(10)
      +  dbo.udf_Num_ToWords (0) + CHAR(10)
      +  dbo.udf_Num_ToWords (123) + CHAR(10)
select dbo.udf_Num_ToWords(76543210987654321098765432109876543210)
DECLARE @i numeric (38,0)
SET @i = 0
WHILE @I <= 1000 BEGIN 
    PRINT convert (char(5), @i)  
            + convert(varchar(255), dbo.udf_Num_ToWords(@i)) 
    SET @I  = @i + 1 
* Published as the T-SQL UDF of the Week Vol 2 #9 2/17/03

DECLARE @inputNumber VARCHAR(38)
DECLARE @NumbersTable TABLE (number CHAR(2), word VARCHAR(10))
DECLARE @outputString VARCHAR(8000)
DECLARE @counter INT
DECLARE @position INT
DECLARE @chunk CHAR(3) -- for chunks of 3 numbers
DECLARE @tensones CHAR(2)
DECLARE @hundreds CHAR(1)

IF @Number = 0 Return 'Zero'

-- initialize the variables
SELECT @inputNumber = CONVERT(varchar(38), @Number)
     , @outputString = ''
     , @counter = 1
SELECT @length   = LEN(@inputNumber)
     , @position = LEN(@inputNumber) - 2
     , @loops    = LEN(@inputNumber)/3

-- make sure there is an extra loop added for the remaining numbers
IF LEN(@inputNumber) % 3 <> 0 SET @loops = @loops + 1

-- insert data for the numbers and words
INSERT INTO @NumbersTable   SELECT '00', ''
    UNION ALL SELECT '01', 'one'      UNION ALL SELECT '02', 'two'
    UNION ALL SELECT '03', 'three'    UNION ALL SELECT '04', 'four'
    UNION ALL SELECT '05', 'five'     UNION ALL SELECT '06', 'six'
    UNION ALL SELECT '07', 'seven'    UNION ALL SELECT '08', 'eight'
    UNION ALL SELECT '09', 'nine'     UNION ALL SELECT '10', 'ten'
    UNION ALL SELECT '11', 'eleven'   UNION ALL SELECT '12', 'twelve'
    UNION ALL SELECT '13', 'thirteen' UNION ALL SELECT '14', 'fourteen'
    UNION ALL SELECT '15', 'fifteen'  UNION ALL SELECT '16', 'sixteen'
    UNION ALL SELECT '17', 'seventeen' UNION ALL SELECT '18', 'eighteen'
    UNION ALL SELECT '19', 'nineteen' UNION ALL SELECT '20', 'twenty'
    UNION ALL SELECT '30', 'thirty'   UNION ALL SELECT '40', 'forty'
    UNION ALL SELECT '50', 'fifty'    UNION ALL SELECT '60', 'sixty'
    UNION ALL SELECT '70', 'seventy'  UNION ALL SELECT '80', 'eighty'
    UNION ALL SELECT '90', 'ninety'   

WHILE @counter <= @loops BEGIN

 -- get chunks of 3 numbers at a time, padded with leading zeros
 SET @chunk = RIGHT('000' + SUBSTRING(@inputNumber, @position, 3), 3)

 IF @chunk <> '000' BEGIN
  SELECT @tensones = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 2, 2)
       , @hundreds = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 1, 1)
       , @tens = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 2, 1)
       , @ones = SUBSTRING(@chunk, 3, 1)

  -- If twenty or less, use the word directly from @NumbersTable
  IF CONVERT(INT, @tensones) <= 20 OR @Ones='0' BEGIN
   SET @outputString = (SELECT word 
                                      FROM @NumbersTable 
                                      WHERE @tensones = number)
                   + CASE @counter WHEN 1 THEN '' -- No name
                       WHEN 2 THEN ' thousand ' WHEN 3 THEN ' thousand '
                       WHEN 4 THEN ' billion '  WHEN 5 THEN ' trillion '
                       WHEN 6 THEN ' quadrillion ' WHEN 7 THEN ' quintillion '
                       WHEN 8 THEN ' sextillion '  WHEN 9 THEN ' septillion '
                       WHEN 10 THEN ' octillion '  WHEN 11 THEN ' nonillion '
                       WHEN 12 THEN ' decillion '  WHEN 13 THEN ' undecillion '
                       ELSE '' END
                               + @outputString
   ELSE BEGIN -- break down the ones and the tens separately

             SET @outputString = ' ' 
                            + (SELECT word 
                                    FROM @NumbersTable 
                                    WHERE @tens + '0' = number)
              + '-'
                             + (SELECT word 
                                    FROM @NumbersTable 
                                    WHERE '0'+ @ones = number)
                   + CASE @counter WHEN 1 THEN '' -- No name
                       WHEN 2 THEN ' thousand ' WHEN 3 THEN ' million '
                       WHEN 4 THEN ' billion '  WHEN 5 THEN ' trillion '
                       WHEN 6 THEN ' quadrillion ' WHEN 7 THEN ' quintillion '
                       WHEN 8 THEN ' sextillion '  WHEN 9 THEN ' septillion '
                       WHEN 10 THEN ' octillion '  WHEN 11 THEN ' nonillion '
                       WHEN 12 THEN ' decillion '   WHEN 13 THEN ' undecillion '
                       ELSE '' END
                            + @outputString

  -- now get the hundreds
  IF @hundreds <> '0' BEGIN
   SET @outputString  = (SELECT word 
                                      FROM @NumbersTable 
                                      WHERE '0' + @hundreds = number)
                 + ' hundred ' 
                                + @outputString

 SELECT @counter = @counter + 1
      , @position = @position - 3


-- Remove any double spaces
SET @outputString = LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE(@outputString, '  ', ' ')))
SET @outputstring = UPPER(LEFT(@outputstring, 1)) + SUBSTRING(@outputstring, 2, 8000)

RETURN @outputString -- return the result

To check the output of the above User Defined Function, execute the below query into your database.

--now run the following query to get the result

select dbo.udf_Num_ToWords(5800000)

--Five thousand eight hundred thousand

Happy Coding to All

Recursive Query To Find All Child Node in SQL server 2005+

How to find the all child of particular parent using the Recursive Query
--here we are creating the table variable so that we can insert some dummy record
Declare @Table Table
 TId int,
 ParentId int,
 Name varchar(10)
--inserting some records
--using the union all to insert more than one records
insert into @Table
Select 1,NULL,'ICT'
Union All
Select 2,1,'ICT-M1'
Union All
Select 4,1,'ICT-M2'
Union All
Select 7,2,'ICT-M1U1'
Union All
Select 8,2,'ICT-M1U2'
Union All
Select 9,4,'ICT-M2U1'
Union All
Select 10,4,'ICT-M2U2'
Union All
Select 11,7,'ICT-M1U1P1'
Union All
Select 12,7,'ICT-M1U1P2'
Union All
Select 13,8,'ICT-M1U2P1'
Union All
Select 14,8,'ICT-M1U2P2'
Union All
Select 15,9,'ICT-M2U1P1'
Union All
Select 16,9,'ICT-M2U1P2'
Union All
Select 17,10,'ICT-M2U2P1'
Union All
Select 18,10,'ICT-M2U2P2'

--variable to hold data
Declare @ChildNode varchar(1000)
Set @ChildNode='';

--use the standard recursive query
;with [CTE] as 
 --anchor query where we are finding the all parents
    select TId,ParentId,Name,CAST(ISNULL(CAST(ParentId as varchar(10)),'0') As Varchar(100)) As ChildNode
    from @Table c where c.[ParentId] is null

    union all

 --recursive query where we are finding the all child according to anchor query parent
    select c.TId,c.ParentId,c.Name,
    CAST( p.ChildNode +','+cast(c.TId as varchar(10) ) As Varchar(100)) As ChildNode
    from [CTE] p, @Table c where c.[ParentId] = p.[TId]    
--select the child node as per the id
--Assigin the all Ids into  one variable
select @ChildNode=@ChildNode+','+Cast(TId as varchar(10))
from [CTE]
Cross Apply
where items=9
order by TId

select SUBSTRING(@ChildNode,2,LEN(@ChildNode))


--create the tabular function to split the multi valued into table
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[Split](@String varchar(8000), @Delimiter char(1))     
returns @temptable TABLE (items varchar(8000))     
 declare @idx int     
 declare @slice varchar(8000)     
 select @idx = 1     
  if len(@String)<1 or @String is null  return     
 while @idx!= 0     
  set @idx = charindex(@Delimiter,@String)     
  if @idx!=0     
   set @slice = left(@String,@idx - 1)     
   set @slice = @String     
   insert into @temptable(Items) values(@slice)     

  set @String = right(@String,len(@String) - @idx)     
  if len(@String) = 0 break     

Happy Coding

Saturday, April 16, 2011

How to insert multiple record using xml in sql server 2005+

How to insert the multiple record using the xml into sql server, please check the following example.

DECLARE @idoc int
DECLARE @doc varchar(max)
SET @doc ='
 <Trans TransId="1" Add="false" Edit="true" Delete="true" View="true" Block="false">   
 <Trans TransId="2" Add="1" Edit="1" Delete="1" View="1" Block="0">   

--Create an internal representation of the XML document.
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc OUTPUT, @doc
-- Execute a SELECT statement that uses the OPENXML rowset provider.

Into #TempTable 
FROM OPENXML(@idoc, '/ROOT/Trans',1)
 TransId  varchar(10),
    [Add] bit,
    Edit bit,
    [Delete] bit,
    [View] bit,
    Block bit

Select * From #TempTable

drop table #TempTable

happy coding