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Friday, August 7, 2009

GridView with Dynamic columns

To Create dynamic columns in gridview, use template control to create dynamic colums. Following is the simple example which will demonstrate the DataGridTemplate class which is inherited from ITemplate which is base class of all template control. This is the definition of the Template for the columns. Ignore the fact that it is called DataGridTemplate. This used to be a DataGrid, but now it's a GridView, and I just now noticed the name hasn't changed. :) public class DataGridTemplate : ITemplate { private ListItemType pTemplateType; private string pColumnName; private int pTraitID; public int TraitID { get { return pTraitID; } set { pTraitID = value; } } private List pCategoryList = new List(); public DataGridTemplate(ListItemType type, string colname, int traitID, List scoreCats) { pTemplateType = type; pColumnName = colname; pTraitID = traitID; pCategoryList = scoreCats; } public void InstantiateIn(System.Web.UI.Control container) { Literal lc = new Literal(); switch (pTemplateType) { case ListItemType.Header: lc.Text = "" + pColumnName + ""; container.Controls.Add(lc); break; case ListItemType.Item: Label lbl = new Label(); lbl.Visible = false; lbl.Text = TraitID.ToString(); container.Controls.Add(lbl); RadioButtonList rbl = new RadioButtonList(); rbl.ID = "rbl" + pColumnName; for (int i = 0; i < pCategoryList.Count; i++) { rbl.Items.Insert(i, (string)pCategoryList[i]); } TextBox txtComments = new TextBox(); txtComments.ID = "txt" + pTraitID; txtComments.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine; txtComments.Rows = 4; txtComments.Columns = 30; container.Controls.Add(rbl); container.Controls.Add(txtComments); break; } } } You need to re-create any dynamically generated controls after a postback because unlike static controls they are not instantiated automatically. So, whatever code you have that generates dynamic columns, be sure to run it on Page_Load so it runs after a postback as well as on the inital request. Dynamic controls is an area that is covered in many ASP.NET sites, like the Code Project, and many ASP.NET books cover it very well too. Happy Programming

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